Tomicko Abella – costume design / makeup & hair

Tomicko Abella is a fashion designer and all around stylista out of Sacramento, CA.  When she isn’t striving to come up with new clothing, she’s likely kicking back with her young daughter and having some good ole’ fun!

Tomicko came to Fight 4 Your Life through the power of networking.  And, WOW, has she been a huge help!  She is responsible for the stylish apparel, hair and make-up you’ll see on the lustful seductresses in F4YL.

Who are the seductresses?  Be sure to check up regularly on the Characters page here on for info on these enticing characters and more.  In the meantime, friend and follow Tomicko on Facebook and Twitter!  Oh, and she’s on MySpace too…yes, MySpace!


– The one studios crew



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