Black Leavz, Grand Oak of the Dark Oaks
Black Leavz is the eccentric gang leader supreme of the Dark Oaks, a feared and numerous community of thugs, bandits and stone cold killers. Although he might come off as a bit outlandish, don’t take his peculiar nature as a weakness. He’s not a dude you want to catch in a bad mood. And he’s likely to flip any second. So, watch out!
Smarter than he looks, Black Leavz is constantly trying to prove his intelligence to those around him. But this often makes him eat his own tongue, as his overcompensation can lead to him making himself sound less intelligent than he would like. Nevertheless, he is a man of many words, which can be quite overpowering for most people as he uses his speech and bizarre ways to execute mind games. These tactics are very often mistaken for him being a buffoon or just plain crazy. Rest assured, that’s exactly what he wants, always keeping his victims on their toes, as well as giving them false comfort, never sure what to make of him, or overly sure of what to make of him. There’s nothing better to this unique man than to…
“….fuck over a smarty nitty willy mutha fucka that thinks he’s too good for Black Leavz.”
– Black Leavz
However, Black Leavz isn’t all about himself. He is also a man who has come to appreciate a good mind, showing admiration and respect for such. For those he sees as having lesser minds, well, that’s a different story. If you do fall into his “dumby list”, you will find it better to avoid him altogether. He tends to look down on those persons who aren’t as intellectually savvy as he, or at least he views himself to be, especially the lesser ranked members of his own gang. His demeaning treatment can be, uuuuh…..harsh. And when you’re in his world you better expect nothing else. Black Leavz plays by his own rules.
Holding the highest rank of Grand Oak, Black Leavz has built an empire throughout the city. His strategic mind and tactics are unmatched by his rivals, earning him relentless loyalty from the people he considers more of a family than mere gang. Such loyalty is demonstrated through his right hand and left hand men, E Bud and Rootie-too, who never leave their leader unprotected.
The fact that Black Leavz openly chooses to remain in the cradle of the streets rather than hide away in a more luxurious abode also brings much respect from his subjects, living with “the people” and all. Some say this proves he is real to the cause, that he is true and hard. Some say this just further shows he’s cray-cray! He’d say it’s strategy….and that he just feels more comfort in the streets, where he was born and raised.
But little known to many, Black Leavz doesn’t just aim to maintain his empire at its current state. His sites are set on expanding well beyond the streets and underground outlets his Dark Oaks openly roam. Who knows where he has had his vast network of soldiers infiltrate….
With his Dark Oaks following his every word, Black Leavz is a force to be reckoned with. Yes, his army has grown strong and notoriously intimidating. One thing he always holds true to though, no matter the situation or his foe, is respect. Question is, is Fleet intelligent enough to figure this out?
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