- Kevin Cogburn Stylized
- Kevin and His Beloved Bike
- Kevin on set of the F4YL Short Film
What can we say about Kevin to not understate him and his talents? Kevin is a rad dude….PERIOD!!!
Hailing from Shingle Springs, CA, Kevin Cogburn has always lived his life a bit on the edge. Anything active and high octane that gets his adrenaline going tends to draw him in. He has been an avid practitioner of martial arts, gymnastics, parkour, motorcycle riding and stunt performing for many years now. It is from this background Kevin came upon Fight 4 Your Life, with the one studios crew being in need of a stunt performer and actor when first casting for the F4YL short film in March of 2012.
Kevin was looking to extend his stunt skill sets, build experience on camera and show the world what he could do. It was a marriage made in the heavens, especially when we realized how cool of a dude he is. And he’s been on board Fight 4 Your Life since. In fact, Kevin continues to aid one studios whenever possible. More than simply a colleague on call, we consider Kevin an honorary member of the one studios crew and we all look forward to good things ahead from him, whether by way of acting, stunt work or his musical ambitions….Kevin serves as lead singer in a local Sacramento area hard rock band.
In addition to contributing to the fight choreography of one of the big fight scenes in Fight 4 Your Life, Kevin also has lent us his acting abilities. Look out for him on screen when Fight 4 Your Life comes to a theater, TV or computer monitor near you! In the mean time, be a friend and like Kevin on Facebook!
– The one studios crew
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