Cecil Claremont
We’ve all heard the stories about talented athletes that make millions of dollars only to have those millions blown from reckless spending and poor management. Often these stories end with the athletes having nothing, yet, their managers walk away very, very well off, having used and manipulated the athlete the entire time to fill his or her own greedy pockets. These types of managers are utter and complete scumbags…..Well, Cecil is one of these kinds of managers.
Always looking out for his own grander horizons, Cecil Claremont seems to be in the mix of everything involving money. People might question his character, but they cannot deny his pizazz for financial gain or his ability to recognize talent. It was no surprise to the boxing world he signed the current champ, Hanson Hansome Kelly, the first chance he could, becoming the gifted, yet egomaniacal, boxer’s manager.
One would think there would be some sort of loyalty between the two with everything each has contributed to the other….nope. Hanson might be a punk, but he isn’t dumb. He sees right through Cecil’s act. Their relationship is one based more on necessity and greed than trust and love. Hanson’s trainer, Henry Page, is too prideful of his protege’s place in the spotlight to let anything disrupt the good’s going. So, he too turns the cheek to Cecil’s manipulation and thirst for financial gain. As long as Hanson keeps getting the right fights and his title is secure Henry is content.
Cecil’s had his eye on Hanson’s up and coming rival, Fleet Blackwood, for quite a while. Over the years his attempts to win over Fleet have been derailed by Fleet’s team. The temptation to move ahead more quickly using Cecil’s influence and power has at times been difficult for Fleet to resist, especially earlier on in his career. Luckily, Fleet has had proper guidance by way of his mentor, Ahiga, who’s always provided great advice. And Fleet’s trainer, Tony, well, there’s history between him and Cecil, and let’s just say he sees the kind of animal Cecil is…..and he’s not a fan.
Who is to know if the dirty dog will ever win over the stoic boxer. One thing is certain…..Cecil is quite persistent.