Ghost Crew Leader
Mysterious and silent, little is known about this ghostly figure. Like a campfire story he has become, mythical and spooky. Urban children get chills at the mentioning of him, a sort of modern day Grimm fairy tale.
For what is known, the account is always the same…….as the Pied Piper has his flute, so does this being have the rhythm of his body, beckoning those that might come across his path, magically enticing with flow and style. There is no limit to his expression. There is no pattern to the beats of his body. It is as though his movements are endless and hypnotic, putting those near him in a deep trance…..and this is where the story of the one called the Ghost Crew Leader takes an unfortunate turn for those souls that stumble upon him.
No face can be described by those that he has visited. No voice has been heard by those that have paid witness. But the inner music he projects is powerful and other worldly. It is said you cannot resist his flare. And wherever there has been reported a sighting of this eery specter, so too has there been with him a crew of following spirits.
His Ghost Crew follows him throughout the darkness of the night. As if a collective of one mind and soul, an extension of the Ghost Crew Leader himself, the group of mischievous beings have been said to plague the streets few embark on in the weary hours of the moon’s shadows. They glide throughout the urban sprawl, searching for their leader’s next battle for entrapment.
Tales of how this haunting presence has built his crew are things of nightmares. Many people believe they are the disappeared victims of his cryptic web. He feeds from their life energy, empowering his essence and absorbing them into his being, controlling them, for they are now him.
It is not known where exactly one might run into the Ghost Crew and its leader, nor when. But if you are alone, drifting through the streets, accompanied only by the blackness around you, and you hear music……run. For the few that have escaped have done just that….aside from one.
One woman is known to have survived her supposed encounter with the Ghost Crew. Legendary, she now teaches dance at an after school program for underprivileged youth, driven to spread the knowledge of the dancing arts. Never one with words, she has been mute since a babe. Only through her bodily movement and expression does she talk. Only to her own song does she dance. In this independent wisdom lays the key to her survival.
Fleet has never met this woman…..if only he had.