E Bud and Rootie-too
Black Leavz has seen to it that the Dark Oaks run thick with quality soldiers. But with such an immense gang network he needs to also have trusted leaders he can rely on to ensure operations run smoothly. There are various levels of leaders withing the Dark Oaks ranks, with the title of oak general being the top of the totem pole, right below Black Leavz himself, the Grand Oak. The Dark Oaks generals report directly to their leader supreme.
In addition to his oak generals, Black Leavz also knows he should always have dependable men at his side to help him take care of the nitty gritty…..so comes in his right hand and left hand men. Each of these men hold a rank on their own. Each has a specific purpose.

E Bud, Oak General of Battle and Black Leavz’s Right Branch
Black Leavz’s right hand man, or right branch, E Bud, is a cold mutha…”SHUT YO MOUTH!” Known as Black Leavz’s hardened muscle, E Bud is the Oak General of Battle. It is his job to ensure the street muscle game of the Dark Oaks is on point. He is entrusted to train the Dark Oaks in the many ways of street combat, with and without weapons. He also is the highest voice when it comes to enlisting new Dark Oaks members with valuable skill sets involving combat. E Bud also serves as Black Leavz’s personal body guard, protecting his leader nearly at all times. When E Bud has no other choice but to attend other duties away from his Grand Oak he always makes sure Black Leavz is left well guarded with his most trusted soldiers, such as the dependable SloGrow.
Many of the Dark Oaks consider E Bud as Black Leavz’s true successor, the true number 2 in charge. But, as there are many other oak generals, this isn’t fact, for Black Leavz has many prospects to take his place if the day comes for his departure as the Grand Oak. And the last thing on Black Leavz’s mind is the relinquishing of his power. In death do they part.
Lucky for Black Leavz, E Bud is his most loyal soldier, having been raised as a Dark Oak from the time he was seven. Nevertheless, some say the reason Black Leavz keeps him so close is because he fears the potential of his Oak General of Battle. But these are whispers in the night. If anyone were to openly let Black Leavz or E Bud catch wind of this theory they would be handled…..severely.

Rootie-too, Cedar Captain of Entertainment and Black Leavz’s Left Branch
Black Leavz’s left branch is a more interesting choice, and demonstrates the Grand Oak’s often odd ways. Rootie-too is the type that can’t keep his mouth shut. He’s a joker, a clown. And many of the Dark Oaks have a hard time respecting him when respect is such an honored element to the Dark Oaks’ code. So, why then has Black Leavz made Rootie-too his left hand man?
The way Black Leavz sees it, there should always be an example of what not to be. There should always be someone by his side that makes him look good in comparison, just as there should always be someone by his side that demonstrates the success of his leadership, as with E Bud. Rootie-too is Black Leavz’s outlet to show his power to his Dark Oaks. It’s like he is Black Leavz’s punching bag, his way to take out frustration.
“Do this Rootie-too. Do that Rootie-too. Mutha Fucka, shut the fuck up!” This is what it is to be Rootie-too. But why does he take it? Why does Rootie-too serve when he is often made the fool? Simple answer….opportunity.
Despite the lack of respect he might get from his position, he has more respect than he would without it. He knows he has the chance to make something of himself. He knows Black Leavz must see something in him. And he does.
There is more purpose to Rootie-too for Black Leavz than simply being his court jester. He also recognizes the loyalty in his left branch. He sees his sturdy spirit and undying determination to make something more of himself. After all, not everyone can get clowned on as much as Rootie-too and still keep their head up and keep pushing forward. There is promise in him. He just needs to learn how to control that mouth of his!
So, in a way, Rootie-too also serves as Black Leavz’s personal experiment. He aims to make something great out of this comedian, further exemplifying his greatness as a leader. Black Leavz’s strategic mind is only rivaled by his creativity. For only someone with such creativity sees the strategy of giving someone such as Rootie-too a prominent position. He knows his left branch would never get to where he is without an open hand out to get him there, as he has given him. And he also knows Rootie-too will continue to be one of his most loyal subjects, pushing himself to excel beyond the expectations of his peers, because of it.
As it is now, Rootie-too holds the rank of cedar captain. His full title is Cedar Captain of Entertainment. He sees to the social activity side of the Dark Oaks. Many might consider this to be an unneeded role in the gang. But Black Leavz understands how important it is to keep his family happy. A happy family equals a loyal family. So, Rootie-too makes sure everyone is well taken care of by way of social events, technology, human entertainment and other more alcoholic and medicinal based activities.

E Bud and Rootie-too
It’s like ying and yang with E Bud and Rootie-too. But through these two men Black Leavz knows he has security and a tighter grip on his empire. By having them by his side, along with the divisions they see over, he demonstrates his intelligence and control. And he gains further respect and power.
If Fleet ever comes face to face with Black Leavz he better be certain he’ll be meeting E Bud and Rootie-too as well.