Tony “The Tiger” Mercado
Tony “The Tiger” Mercado is a lively ex-boxer who now spends his days mentoring youth and training up and coming boxers. Not afraid to tell it how it is, and not taking any bull, Tony is a well respected member of his community and is known to stand up for what’s right, especially when it comes to youth. Having grown up in the foster care system himself, he’s made it a point to share close relationships with many outreach organizations and has made it a personal duty to give back to the community and help kids.
Underprivileged children always have a home at his gym, where he’s known to tell stories from his past on a daily basis. He’s been around and recognizes game when he sees it. So, many of Tony’s stories are meant to teach street smarts and inform young boxers about the darker side of the business of boxing, which have served many of his students well. Bobby, a longtime protege of Tony, is a perfect example of such positive influence.
But Tony’s stories are often mixed with a lot of jokes and inappropriate content as well, which the kids tend to love, but doesn’t always sit well with the more straight laced of his peers. There’s definitely no censoring this fun loving, yet hot blooded, character. His robust ways may have earned him a reputation for being blunt and not always polite, but they have also aided in giving him the reputation of being a brave, honorable and largely selfless man. Time has taught him patience and has soothed his temper. But it definitely hasn’t toned down his hilarious, and often crude, sense of humor!
Ahiga knows this sense of humor all too well. Tony and Ahiga have been friends since they were teens and came up together in the boxing world. When Ahiga made the decision to suddenly leave boxing early on in his incredibly successful career, Tony was as shocked as anyone. It was only Tony, with him being Ahiga’s best friend, and a select few other persons that Ahiga maintained contact with after his departure from the ring. Tony went on to continue his professional boxing run, having a very fruitful career in any regard, before eventually opening his own gym upon his retirement.
Years later, when Ahiga brought a young boy by the name of Fleet into Tony’s gym, Tony saw not only promise in the boy as a boxer, but also saw an opportunity to bring his friend back into the light. Ahiga had remained in the shadows since his punching days, choosing not to allow his whereabouts to be known by the masses that might still wonder what had happened to the once phenomenal boxer. And because of his miraculous feats, as well as his utter disappearance, he is now thought of in the boxing ranks as more of a legend than actual man.
As Tony has continued to help train Fleet, as well as represent him in all of Fleet’s public athletic competition endeavors, he has also continued to have the hope that one day Fleet will be able to bring Ahiga back into the world, allowing all of society to benefit from the unique and powerful mindset Ahiga possesses. But no matter the outcome of his good friend, Tony’s focus is on doing everything he can to ensure Fleet is ready to beat the current champ, Hanson Hansome Kelly, who is the protege of an old buddy named Henry Page, and who also happens to be managed by one of sleaziest scoundrels in the sport, Cecil Claremont, who has it out for Tony…..boy would Tony love to knock Cecil out.