F4YL “Intro” Teaser Trailer (Feature Film) (VIDEO)

This is the first official teaser trailer of Fight 4 Your Life, the feature film debut from one studios.  Unlike trailers in the past, which have used footage from the short film version of F4YL, from which the F4YL feature stems, this is the first trailer that uses all actual footage from the upcoming full length film.  We hope you enjoy and are intrigued.  That’s what a teaser is meant to do!



Our goal with this trailer is to gain curiosity about our humble project here, as we realize there is much left to mystery even after watching it.  That’s the point amigos.  Teased yet?  😉

Keep your eyes peeled for more trailers in the near future, including the full length theatrical trailer, which will go into more depth about the film’s story and such.  For more info on F4YL be sure to check out the plethora of resources on this site.  Read up on character descriptions, cast and crew bios, the film’s plot, it’s origins and journey and more.  There’s also lots of awesome media for you to view and listen to.  Heck, there’s even free downloads for your enjoyment!

Ok, enough blabbing.  Here’s the trailer.  You can also view the “Running” teaser trailer, made from footage of the short film version of F4YL, HERE.  It might be fun to compare and contrast the two.



– The one studios crew


Free Download 1 – F4YL Character Collage BG (Short Film Version)

F4YL Character Collage Background - Short Film Version

F4YL Character Collage Background / Wallpaper (Short Film Version)



Enjoy this awesome background for your desktop or other media devices.  Check next to whichever resolution(s) you want, fill in your name and valid email address and we’ll send you the link(s)….and no spam!  There are plenty of resolutions to choose from!  And you can choose to sign up for our quarterly newsletter, the Fight 4 Your Life Lowdown, to keep up with the project.  Thanks for your support!  Thanks for joining the fight!


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    The one studios crew