Official Fight 4 Your Life “Journeys 2020” Teaser Poster! (GRAPHIC) (UPDATED FEB. 2019)

This is a revamp of Fight 4 Your Life‘s first original, and official, poster!  More posters are to come, as we’re currently developing an entire series of posters and backgrounds representing the film.  So, be on the look out!  This poster is kind of the fire starter, the teaser poster, if you will.  Physical posters are available.  We’re happy to ship you one for $10.00 + shipping and handling costs.  Please talk to us here to order.  Otherwise, make sure to come visit the one studios crew at events we’ll be attending to promote F4YL.  Posters will be available!


– The one studios crew


Fight 4 Your Life - Journeys Poster 2020

Fight 4 Your Life – Journeys Poster 2020


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Free Download 2 – Fleet vs Hansome Background (Feb. 2019 Update)

Fleet vs Hansome Background

Fleet vs Hansome

Here’s a another dope background for your desktop or other media devices.  Select the resolution version(s) of the background you would like below.  You’ll then be required to put your name and a valid email in so the link will pop up below.   You should also receive it via the email you provide.  And we promise NO SPAM!  We don’t care what you call yourself….nicknames are coo.  But please use a valid email or you’ll receive nada sucka!  Your email will not be sold or forwarded to other sites…because that’s a lame thing to do.  Unless you sign up for our newsletter it will only be used to send you the file(s) you choose below.

Lots of new media coming in 2019 so keep coming back.  THANKS for joining the fight!

    Send me the quarterly Fight 4 Your Life Lowdown (newsletter)!



    The one studios crew



    Digiprove sealCopyright secured by Digiprove © 2016-2019 one studios

    We’re Pushing Forward with Pickups….Another Chance for YOU to Join the Fight!!!

    Hello all you awesome supporters of Fight 4 Your Life!  We’re pushing forward with some key pickup shoots and need some extra help.  No matter your experience level or production skill set, we would love to have you aboard to lend us a hand with some of these shoots.  The following dates are close, we know.  But we kind of have to just go with the flow on this one.  We can explain upon your contacting us.

    • Tuesday, September 6th, 2016 at the McClellan Conference Center in Sacramento, CA
    • Sunday, September 11th, 2016 at the McClellan Conference Center in Sacramento, CA
    • Monday, September 12th, 2016 at a great location in Davis, CA

    Please reach out to us through our contact page.  We look forward to hearing from you!  More news to come.



    – The one studios crew

    Fight 4 Your Life Teaser Trailer 2 Coming Soon!

    It’s been a long time.  We shouldn’t of left you, without a dope trailer to watch move.

    WHAT’S UP Fight 4 Your Life supporters and enthusiasts!?  We know.  We know.  We’ve been slacking on our posts, especially those providing info on the film.  Well, we’ve been hard at work with our humble project, making it all it can be!

    The one studios Logo

    We’re fighting hard to bring you the best!

    Currently, F4YL is heavy in post production.  We have a few small pickup shoots scheduled to be done by the end of the year.  Due to some of our actors’ availability, we have at least one shoot in early 2016.  YOWZERS!!!  This is taking forever!  But the good thing is we’re continuing to edit while we are forced to wait for certain locations, cast and crew to be available.  It pays to have patience in this game.  And boy has ours been put to the test!

    Just know everything is looking good.  How good?  Hmmm….What better way to demonstrate how the film is looking than to just show you!?  Sooooo, we’re going to be releasing the second teaser trailer for Fight 4 Your Life very soon.  It’ll wet those whistles enough to give you some much needed relief from all the agonizing waiting!  And more will follow soon after the second teaser’s release, including new graphics, behind the scenes videos, character descriptions, cast and crew bios, original music and more!…..all of which leads up to the release of the full length trailer……

    We hope your excited.  We sure are!  Keep fighting everyone!

    And keep on the lookout for the second F4YL teaser trailer…..COMING VERY SOON!


    – OneMan


    Behind the Scenes: Production Pics (PHOTOS)

    For all you fans out there, here’s a slideshow of some production pics from the many shoots for Fight 4 Your Life.  Good memories indeed!  More to come!

    As always, thanks for your support.




    – The one studios crew



    Cast Member Hence Singleton Performing April 2nd in San Francisco!

    If you didn’t know, we have several stand up comedians on the cast for Fight 4 Your Life.  Hence Singleton, who plays Henry Page, is one of them.  And, BOY, is he a crack up on set!

    In support of Hence, if you’re in San Francisco on Thursday, April 2nd, slide on over to Doc’s Lab at 124 Columbus Avenue and show him some love as he competes in the Make Me Laugh comedy contest.  Grab a drink.  Have a bunch of laughs.  Give Hence a hug!

    The headliner is Thomas Dale.  You may have seen him on Comedy Central, Chelsea Lately and/or The Late Late Show.

    Get ’em Hence!!!


    Hence Singleton - Performing Comedy

    Hence Singleton – Performing Comedy



    – The one studios crew



    Behind the Scenes: Tony vs Speed Bag! (VIDEO)

    Tony “The Tiger” Lopez still has it!  Watch as Tony demonstrates his speed bag prowess in front of his fellow cast and crew while on set at Center Ring Boxing.  Tony had to shut some peeps up that day on set who called him out…hm hm…Brandon J. Woods.  How could he be doubted?!  Tony was a 3x world champ after all.  Good stuff Tone Loc!




    – The one studios crew



    Behind the Scenes: Brandon J. Woods Training Session (VIDEO)

    Brandon J. Woods is always in great shape. But for his role as Fleet Blackwood in Fight 4 Your Life, Brandon had to undergo strict training and dietary practices. This is a behind the scenes look at a quick training session with Brandon, consisting of calisthenics and weight lifting.

    Interested in getting trained by Brandon?  Want some training and dietary advice?  Contact us HERE!




    – The one studios crew



    Fleet & The Seductresses Wish You the Happiest of Holidays!

    From all of the characters, cast, crew and contributors of Fight 4 Your Life, we wish you all a very happy holiday season!  We know, it can be tough out there.  But we want you to know we appreciate your continued support towards this awesome project.  We appreciate YOU!

    So, keep up the good fight amigos.


    Fleet & The Seductresses....Happy Holidays

    Fleet & The Seductresses….Happy Holidays



    – The one studios crew



    Fight 4 Your Life – UPDATES!!! Early October 2014.

    Pushing hard to truly finish up filming with our final tidying up pickup shot sessions, we had a small shoot this past weekend, October 4th, 2014, in Stockton, CA at the Stockton Indoor Sports Complex.  The amateur boxing event was held by former professional boxer, and great supporter of F4YL, Yaqui Lopez.  In addition to some much needed cast and crowd shots for the film, here we were able to get some shots with the great Iron Mike Tyson himself, a personal friend of Yaqui’s!  Now, as excited as we are to have had the opportunity to get these shots, there is no guarantee we will be able to use them in F4YL.

    We have been in communication with Yaqui and Mr. Tyson’s people f9r the last several months in a valiant attempt to get the permission necessary to shoot Mike at this event and to use what we might get with Mr. Tyson within Fight 4 Your Life in some form.  We even ventured to Sin City, Las Vegas, in September for a chance to meet Iron Mike briefly and run things by him, which we were somewhat successful in doing, believe it or not, even providing Mr. Tyson with an official F4YL poster and tee shirt.  Much love goes out to cast member Tony “The Tiger” Lopez for helping us to accomplish what we did!  And boy was it awesome attending a Floyd Mayweather event!

    As we review what we were able to shoot this past weekend with Iron Mike, and as the progress with his management continues, we will keep you all up to date.  So, please keep your fingers crossed for us.  One thing is for certain though, Iron Mike is a cool cat!  And we greatly appreciate his cooperation during the short time he was at the event.  Just to have this opportunity took a lot of work on the end of the one studios crew.  We hope Mike and his people see it fit to join the fight!  Special thanks to Mike’s longtime friend Tom Patti for helping as much as he could.


    Tony Officiating

    Tony doing some reffing!

    Speaking of the one studios crew, we have been diligently working to get a lot of material out for the world to see very soon.  Expect continual updates to this site over the next couple of months, with a good sized update coming over the next couple of weeks containing lots of new bios and media.  Awesome stuff is on the way and we can’t wait for you all to see it!  ….including the next official teaser trailer….AND the full length trailer being in the not too distant future!!!  OH, and, YES, in the works is for you to have the opportunity to purchase cool F4YL tees, posters and other media as well!  All proceeds will go towards helping us finish everything in the very strenuous post production process.

    Thank you for your continued support amigos!  Please support Yaqui Lopez and his great cause to help the kids too.  And swing by the Stockton Indoor Sports Complex if you’re in the area.  Facility manager Jimmy is a great dude!  And, as always, like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter and check out our pics on Instagram here and there.  Our IMDb page will be updated soon also.  WOW!  We’re busy!


    – The one studios crew