Official Fight 4 Your Life “Journeys 2020” Teaser Poster! (GRAPHIC) (UPDATED FEB. 2019)

This is a revamp of Fight 4 Your Life‘s first original, and official, poster!  More posters are to come, as we’re currently developing an entire series of posters and backgrounds representing the film.  So, be on the look out!  This poster is kind of the fire starter, the teaser poster, if you will.  Physical posters are available.  We’re happy to ship you one for $10.00 + shipping and handling costs.  Please talk to us here to order.  Otherwise, make sure to come visit the one studios crew at events we’ll be attending to promote F4YL.  Posters will be available!


– The one studios crew


Fight 4 Your Life - Journeys Poster 2020

Fight 4 Your Life – Journeys Poster 2020


 Digiprove sealCopyright secured by Digiprove © 2014-2019 one studios

Free Download 2 – Fleet vs Hansome Background (Feb. 2019 Update)

Fleet vs Hansome Background

Fleet vs Hansome

Here’s a another dope background for your desktop or other media devices.  Select the resolution version(s) of the background you would like below.  You’ll then be required to put your name and a valid email in so the link will pop up below.   You should also receive it via the email you provide.  And we promise NO SPAM!  We don’t care what you call yourself….nicknames are coo.  But please use a valid email or you’ll receive nada sucka!  Your email will not be sold or forwarded to other sites…because that’s a lame thing to do.  Unless you sign up for our newsletter it will only be used to send you the file(s) you choose below.

Lots of new media coming in 2019 so keep coming back.  THANKS for joining the fight!

    Send me the quarterly Fight 4 Your Life Lowdown (newsletter)!



    The one studios crew



    Digiprove sealCopyright secured by Digiprove © 2016-2019 one studios

    Fight 4 Your Life Teaser Trailer 2 Coming Soon!

    It’s been a long time.  We shouldn’t of left you, without a dope trailer to watch move.

    WHAT’S UP Fight 4 Your Life supporters and enthusiasts!?  We know.  We know.  We’ve been slacking on our posts, especially those providing info on the film.  Well, we’ve been hard at work with our humble project, making it all it can be!

    The one studios Logo

    We’re fighting hard to bring you the best!

    Currently, F4YL is heavy in post production.  We have a few small pickup shoots scheduled to be done by the end of the year.  Due to some of our actors’ availability, we have at least one shoot in early 2016.  YOWZERS!!!  This is taking forever!  But the good thing is we’re continuing to edit while we are forced to wait for certain locations, cast and crew to be available.  It pays to have patience in this game.  And boy has ours been put to the test!

    Just know everything is looking good.  How good?  Hmmm….What better way to demonstrate how the film is looking than to just show you!?  Sooooo, we’re going to be releasing the second teaser trailer for Fight 4 Your Life very soon.  It’ll wet those whistles enough to give you some much needed relief from all the agonizing waiting!  And more will follow soon after the second teaser’s release, including new graphics, behind the scenes videos, character descriptions, cast and crew bios, original music and more!…..all of which leads up to the release of the full length trailer……

    We hope your excited.  We sure are!  Keep fighting everyone!

    And keep on the lookout for the second F4YL teaser trailer…..COMING VERY SOON!


    – OneMan


    Behind the Scenes: Production Pics (PHOTOS)

    For all you fans out there, here’s a slideshow of some production pics from the many shoots for Fight 4 Your Life.  Good memories indeed!  More to come!

    As always, thanks for your support.




    – The one studios crew



    Cast Member Hence Singleton Performing April 2nd in San Francisco!

    If you didn’t know, we have several stand up comedians on the cast for Fight 4 Your Life.  Hence Singleton, who plays Henry Page, is one of them.  And, BOY, is he a crack up on set!

    In support of Hence, if you’re in San Francisco on Thursday, April 2nd, slide on over to Doc’s Lab at 124 Columbus Avenue and show him some love as he competes in the Make Me Laugh comedy contest.  Grab a drink.  Have a bunch of laughs.  Give Hence a hug!

    The headliner is Thomas Dale.  You may have seen him on Comedy Central, Chelsea Lately and/or The Late Late Show.

    Get ’em Hence!!!


    Hence Singleton - Performing Comedy

    Hence Singleton – Performing Comedy



    – The one studios crew



    Behind the Scenes: Tony vs Speed Bag! (VIDEO)

    Tony “The Tiger” Lopez still has it!  Watch as Tony demonstrates his speed bag prowess in front of his fellow cast and crew while on set at Center Ring Boxing.  Tony had to shut some peeps up that day on set who called him out…hm hm…Brandon J. Woods.  How could he be doubted?!  Tony was a 3x world champ after all.  Good stuff Tone Loc!




    – The one studios crew



    Behind the Scenes: Brandon J. Woods Training Session (VIDEO)

    Brandon J. Woods is always in great shape. But for his role as Fleet Blackwood in Fight 4 Your Life, Brandon had to undergo strict training and dietary practices. This is a behind the scenes look at a quick training session with Brandon, consisting of calisthenics and weight lifting.

    Interested in getting trained by Brandon?  Want some training and dietary advice?  Contact us HERE!




    – The one studios crew



    Fight 4 Your Life – UPDATES!!! Early October 2014.

    Pushing hard to truly finish up filming with our final tidying up pickup shot sessions, we had a small shoot this past weekend, October 4th, 2014, in Stockton, CA at the Stockton Indoor Sports Complex.  The amateur boxing event was held by former professional boxer, and great supporter of F4YL, Yaqui Lopez.  In addition to some much needed cast and crowd shots for the film, here we were able to get some shots with the great Iron Mike Tyson himself, a personal friend of Yaqui’s!  Now, as excited as we are to have had the opportunity to get these shots, there is no guarantee we will be able to use them in F4YL.

    We have been in communication with Yaqui and Mr. Tyson’s people f9r the last several months in a valiant attempt to get the permission necessary to shoot Mike at this event and to use what we might get with Mr. Tyson within Fight 4 Your Life in some form.  We even ventured to Sin City, Las Vegas, in September for a chance to meet Iron Mike briefly and run things by him, which we were somewhat successful in doing, believe it or not, even providing Mr. Tyson with an official F4YL poster and tee shirt.  Much love goes out to cast member Tony “The Tiger” Lopez for helping us to accomplish what we did!  And boy was it awesome attending a Floyd Mayweather event!

    As we review what we were able to shoot this past weekend with Iron Mike, and as the progress with his management continues, we will keep you all up to date.  So, please keep your fingers crossed for us.  One thing is for certain though, Iron Mike is a cool cat!  And we greatly appreciate his cooperation during the short time he was at the event.  Just to have this opportunity took a lot of work on the end of the one studios crew.  We hope Mike and his people see it fit to join the fight!  Special thanks to Mike’s longtime friend Tom Patti for helping as much as he could.


    Tony Officiating

    Tony doing some reffing!

    Speaking of the one studios crew, we have been diligently working to get a lot of material out for the world to see very soon.  Expect continual updates to this site over the next couple of months, with a good sized update coming over the next couple of weeks containing lots of new bios and media.  Awesome stuff is on the way and we can’t wait for you all to see it!  ….including the next official teaser trailer….AND the full length trailer being in the not too distant future!!!  OH, and, YES, in the works is for you to have the opportunity to purchase cool F4YL tees, posters and other media as well!  All proceeds will go towards helping us finish everything in the very strenuous post production process.

    Thank you for your continued support amigos!  Please support Yaqui Lopez and his great cause to help the kids too.  And swing by the Stockton Indoor Sports Complex if you’re in the area.  Facility manager Jimmy is a great dude!  And, as always, like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter and check out our pics on Instagram here and there.  Our IMDb page will be updated soon also.  WOW!  We’re busy!


    – The one studios crew



    Shoots Going Strong! Meet Hanson “Hansome” Kelly

    Hi everyone!  The final shoots with our lead actor, Brandon J. Woods, are going excellent.  We currently have just four days left with him and, aside from a few small pickup shoots we are taking care of after he has left us, the film’s production is pretty much a wrap.  Truly, this is an exciting time!

    Fight 4 Your Life‘s journey, although far from over, has been one of learning and grit.  It is because of the dedication of our awesome cast, crew and supporters that we have made it to this point.  We urge you to keep up with the final days of shooting with Mr. Fleet Blackwood himself as we near the end of this leg.

    Oh, and we here at one studios know you’ve been patiently awaiting the revealing of Hanson “Hansome” Kelly…..Behold!  The Sneaky Slobberknocker himself.  Check out Hanson’s bio here.


    Hanson Kelly

    Hanson “Hansome” Kelly


    – The one studios crew




    Join the Fight! Final Casting Call for Fight 4 Your Life!!!

    Casting call everyone!!!

    one studios is making its final casting call for Fight 4 Your Life!  The following roles are needed for the final shoots scheduled between July 31st – August 10th, 2014.

    We are having a very last minute meeting regarding casting, crew and anything else regarding these final shoots on Thursday, July 10 at 6:45 pm at the Arcade Library’s Meeting Room in Sacramento.  The address is…2443 Marconi Ave, Sacramento, CA 95821.  We invite you to attend if you can make it.

    Otherwise, please contact the one studios crew at either, or, to either schedule an audition or inquire about helping as crew.  You can also mosey on over to our contact page and shoot us a message there.

    Auditions for these final roles are being held on Monday, July 14th in Davis, CA and Tuesday, July 15th in Sacramento AND possibly Davis again.  Yes, this means we might be having a duo of auditions happening at the same time on July 15th.  We are also considering having auditions on Wednesday, July 16th in the San Francisco area.  That will be determined soon!  Please contact us for specific time slots and locations.

    Let us know the role(s) you’re interested in, your experience, your availability between now and the shooting duration, your age and please shoot us your resume and head shot.  If you don’t have a resume or head shot, a personal picture and info on your experience will do.  Your experience should correlate to the role(s) you’re going out for.  And please send a full body shot also if the role(s) you’re going out for calls for being physically fit.

    The cast of Fight 4 Your Life is filled with fantastic people from all walks of life.  You should be sure to click over to the cast page and check some of their profiles out.  And do the same with our awesome crew!  These are the people you’ll be working with, so, why not get to know them a little?

    Also, we like to be very open and direct about the pay situation for this project.  We hate to say it, but these are not paid roles.  We respect your time and craft actors.  We understand and appreciate all the blood, sweat and tears you put into what you do.  Productions don’t happen without you.  However, no one on this project is getting paid, including the crew.

    Fight 4 Your Life has always been about bringing the community together and making a movie for the love of the art and to help Nor Cal filmmaking grow.  If we can make proceeds in the long run, surely one studios will give back to all those persons involved in the process.  But our main goal is to give back by getting this project finished.  And we’re 85% done!  So, know that you’d not only be joining a lot of really cool people on a really cool project, but that you’d be coming on board a project that is actually going to see the light of day.  Awesome!

    But we totally understand if this isn’t for you.  Paying the bills is pretty important, after all.  We appreciate your support and interest friends.

    Now, to the open roles….


    Athletic, Well Built / Manly Attractive Male Boxer:

    • Age 25-35.  Must be able to play character’s age of between 27-30 in present day AND early 20’s for backflash scene.
    • Between 5’8″-6′  Preferred
    • Between 175-185 lbs
    • Caucasian, due to younger (teenage) version of character also being Caucasian.
    • Muscular and lean needed.  You must be in good physical shape.  Think a boxer’s build.
    • Boxing experience desired.  Martial arts experience or extremely athletic okay.  There will be training.
    • Must be open to physically demanding role.  Please no wimps!  🙂   Challenge yourself!
    • Attractive in the more manly sense.  Not pretty boy attractive.
    • Shirtless scenes required (for boxing).
    • Lead speaking role.
    • Athletic actors preferred, as role requires extensive acting.  However, if you are an athlete/boxer and have the right attitude and can take direction you have a shot!  We need both a good acting AND physical performance.
    • This character is in 3 scenes.


    Short Character Description:

    This character is arrogant and outgoing.  Yes, he is a bit of an ass.  The kind of guy people love to hate.  But he is a legit boxer and can back up his big mouth.  Actor should be athletic with a good build and not shy.  Boxing experience is a huge plus.  He should be somewhat attractive also since this character is a big shot and has always been an alpha male himself.   Actor should be able to play an early 20’s version of this character for a backflash scene, as well as the present day version of this character, which is mid to later 20’s, perhaps 30ish.  Shirtless scenes are required, as he’ll be in a boxing match, of course.   Challenging role for a serious actor.



    Athletic Male / Boxer Type:

    • Age 29-39
    • Athletic and of good physical stature needed.
    • Boxing experience a huge plus.
    • Athletic actors preferred, as role is more acting than boxing.
    • Open to all racial backgrounds and sizes.  Should be in shape though.
    • Minor speaking role.
    • This character is in 4 scenes.

    Short Character Description:

    This character is a good guy.  Very supportive and a team player.  He doesn’t get pushed around.  He’s tough.  He comes from the hard part of town but hasn’t let that make him do wrong or act wrong.  He can dish it out if needed.  He respects and loves the sport of boxing.  He might not be the best boxer, but he’s an extremely hard worker.  Great guy to train with and have in your corner.



    Prime Female Role – Reporter Type:

    • Between 27-33
    • Can play witty and strong minded woman.
    • Attractive and keeps self in decent shape. Not looking for a super model. Natural beauty. Cute. Someone that is on the go.
    • Reporting experience a plus.
    • Open to all racial backgrounds and sizes. But, again, must be in decent shape. Think of a field reporter and how they tend to be.
    • Speaking role with significant screen time.
    • This character is in 3 scenes.


    Character Description:

    This character is the classic reporter, tenacious and daring to get the story. She’s not shy and can be very sly. She’s out for the best stories to prove herself. She won’t back down and some even view her as a pest. She really just driven, always thinking. Very bright.

    She’s in love with her work. And she has passion for the truth. She holds herself to a high standard and think of herself as honorable. She fights for what’s right. A person of the law and human rights. And she’s a sucker for a sad story or a story of struggle. She considers herself a story teller and believes everyone has the right to know, which makes her perfect for her profession.

    The problem is her conscience and good spirit often gets the better of her, not allowing her to do a lot of things her colleagues will to move up on the ladder. Her sense of righteousness annoys her colleagues and tends to make her the laughing stock as they often mock her behind her back.

    Most know not to mock her to her face, however, because she’s quick to defend herself and will often go overboard, not letting it go, when doing so. She’s smart and quick to pick up on things, especially through speech. So, you’re not going to pull one over on her.

    She’s always calculating and thinking. And she has some street smarts to her as well. The perfect reporter’s attributes aside from the inability to give in to the dark side of news and getting ahead. But her persistence, neverending tenacity and pursuit for the ultimate story keeps her going. She’s determined to find her success, but only through being good at her work, not by selling out.

    Knowledge is power to her. And getting knowledge to the people is the most important thing to her. It’s her primary directive. But she has a heart….and she has an admirer.



    Prime Male Role – Athletic:

    • Between 25-30
    • This character has a younger version and actor must match up. Younger version is played by an actor of mixed heritage, being Italian and African-American. Very light brown skin. Please do not reply for this role unless you fit near to this.
    • Athletic male, but not a physical role.
    • Must be able to be outgoing on camera. Cannot be reserved.
    • Speaking role with significant screen time.
    • This character is in 3 scenes.


    Character Description:

    Obnoxious loud mouth that will always back his boy. He’s the guy everyone hates, but since he hangs with the big shot people leave him alone. He is loyal though, having always stuck with his friend through thick and thin. But it’s easy to stick with someone when they’re always winning. His loyalty has developed off of opportunity. But he does cherish his friendship and looks for his friend’s praise.

    He’s not a weakling though. Has some boxing skill himself. But boxing is more of a game to him, not a career. He does it because his friend does it. He’s a follower. And he’s invested a lot of time into following, having followed his friend’s coat tails since they were kids.

    He’ll be the first to speak up for his friend and the first to put others down in his friend’s wake. He is witty, but not that intelligent. Good with words, but it’s the way that he delivers them that make his verbal rants and attacks successful. He’s a showman, an announcer. He’s the dedicated hype man everyone wishes they had.

    He’s willing to look like a complete jerk to be on the winning team and back his boy. It’s not even that he’s not confident or insecure in himself. He just doesn’t care. He knows where his loyalties lay and doesn’t care how he looks to others or about other people’s feelings. Shallow.

    He and his friend are perfect fits for each other because they are both dicks.

    Actor must be able to play later and early 20’s.



    Male OR Female Role – Enthusiastic and Emotional:

    • Between 35-55
    • Needs to be outgoing on camera.  Not shy.
    • Can be a bit comedic.
    • Minor non-speaking role.  Good screen time though.
    • Character is in 1 scene.


    Short Character Description:

    Tallies the points during a competition.  Actor does not have to be athletic.  Character is extremely passionate about the competition he is helping score, and admires greatly supreme performance; like it’s a show, a feat of art.  Gets emotional.  Think of a passionate ballroom dancing judge or something.

    Boxing Referee:
    • Anywhere between 35-60
    • Should have boxing experience, or, be highly motivated to learn the rules.
    • Small role but very important.
    • Must have commanding presence and be able to take control on camera, as a real ref would.
    • Should not be afraid to get physical.
    • Should be in good physical condition.  Excellent shape not needed, just fit to be a ref.  There’s a difference.
    • Minor speaking role.
    • Character is in 2 scenes.


    Short Character Description:
    Commanding presence as any good referee has.  Doesn’t take crap from any boxer, even the best ones.  Can be physical if need be.  Great role for a real ref who can take direction on camera.
    Minor Roles – Non-Speaking:
    • 3 Boxing Officials – Open to men and women 30 – 65.  Actors preferred but no acting experience necessary.
    • 2 Ring Girls – Actresses must be attractive and in good physical shape and be open to wearing a bathing suit on camera in front of a large crowd.  Great exposure for models, actresses or women wanting to show the world what their hard work at the gym has got them.  😉
    • 8 – 15 Reporters – Open to men and women ages 21 – 65.  No acting experience necessary.
    • 8 – 15 Photographers – Open to men and women ages 21 – 60.  No acting experience necessary.  Great for real photographers that want to practice their picture taking skills while being on camera.  We can arrange for any photos taken to be used on and maybe even in the film.  Of course, we can arrange for you to be able to use the photos in some way too.  We just have to work together so important parts of the film aren’t revealed.  Let’s make it beneficial for both parties.
    • 2 – 3 Videographers – Open to men and women ages 21 – 60.  No acting experience necessary.  Great for real videographers and cameramen that want to help us get some extra footage and be on camera themselves!  We’ll do our best to make it beneficial for both parties.
    Background Actors/EXTRAS, EXTRAS, EXTRAS Needed for:
    • Boxing Event Scene
    • Boxing Gym Scene
    • Bar Scene



    We need as many background actors/extras as we can get.  Men, women, teen boys and girls, all ages.  No acting experience needed.  Come join the fight and help us make these scenes as realistic as possible!  All extras will get a gift for their time and efforts!



    Thanks again for your interest and support!  They mean a lot to everyone involved.


    – The one studios crew