Hanson Hansome Kelly
Hanson, or Hansome, as is the name he adopted early on in his boxing career, is Fleet’s long time foe. And, yes, he spells Hansome like that for a reason, as does he choose to leave quotations off. Why put quotations on something that’s true?….that’s his thought on it, anyway. Are you beginning to sense the type of guy Hanson is?
The rivalry between Hanson and Fleet goes back to high school, where Hanson relished in his own popularity while bullying other students along with his click of Hanson worshipers; his lifelong friend, Craig, being his most devoted lackey. No one ever really questioned why Hanson was the way he was. They were usually too busy trying to avoid his punishment.
In terms of personality, not much has changed for him since his secondary school days. Egotistical and as arrogant as ever, Hanson is the classic guy everyone loves to hate. But, fortunately for him, he can back up his mouth with his fists.
A true, uncontested champion boxer, Hanson would never admit it, but he does in some way feel some hesitation towards fighting Fleet. There’s just something there in the back of his mind that he can’t get over. And this inkling of doubt has been with him since his rivalry with Fleet began. It’s strange to him why Fleet affects his mind at all. He’s defeated so many excellent fighters along the path to his current title. Who is Fleet Blackwood, but just another chump trying to take his belt and stop his greatness?
Just like Fleet, Hanson values the sport. He trains hard and doesn’t fall victim to the hype….too much. He also gives respect when he feels it is due. The problem is he doesn’t feel respect is due for most people because most people are basic punks that haven’t earned &#!^. Tony, Fleet’s trainer, is someone Hanson does respect. In another life he may have even trained under Tony. But that’s another life!
In this life Hanson is who he is. And no one but him and his boy Craig really have any idea of what he’s been through. Fleet isn’t the only one who’s come up rough. They come from the same city, after all. And Hanson’s not going to change for anyone. Anyone who thinks he should can go $@%! themselves.
This includes his manager, Cecil. Hanson can see through this snake’s games like glass. But he also recognizes Cecil’s value and connections. This is why he signed with him in the first place. Plus, despite what people think of Hanson, he isn’t totally heartless. The financial troubles of his long time trainer, Henry, quite possibly had some play into why he signed so quickly with the devil that is Cecil Claremont.
All roads since have lead Hanson to this night, the night he is finally set to face Fleet. And he sees it as his opportunity to do what he’s been saying he would do to Fleet for years….knock him the @%#* out!